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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Novena In Honor of Maria Bambina Day 6

Day 6: Mary; All-Powerful Advocate

9 Day Reflections in Preparation for the feast of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 30- September 08,2010)

All-Powerful Advocate

The saints go so far as to regard Mary as an all powerful advocate, but they are very careful to indicate what they mean by this. Since the power of a son is and that of a mother are the same, a mother is made-all powerful by an all-powerful son. Thus, Jesus who is all powerful, has also made Mary all-powerful. However it is a always true that, while Jesus is all powerful by nature, Mary is all powerful only by grace.

Saint Bernard stated that eternal father, wishing to show all the mercy possible, besides Jesus giving as our principal advocate with him, also gave us Mary as our advocate with Jesus:”There is no doubt that Jesus us the only mediator of justice between human beings and God. By the virtue of his merits and promises, he can and will obtain for us pardon and divine favors.

But because human beings recognize in him human majesty, it was necessary to assign us another advocate to whim we can appeal with less fear and more confidence. This advocate is Mary.”

“We can always have recourse to Mary with confidence for she will defend us!”

-Saint Thomas of Villanova

“This great mother, who is the mother of your God and judge, is also the advocate for the whole human race. Moreover she is the proper person for this office, because she can do it God whatever he wills.”

Mary is all wise, for she understands all the ways to appease God. And her solicitude is really universal, in the sense that she welcomes everybody and refuses to defend no one.

Mary is so resourceful that she knows every secret way to win the heart of God. She is so good and kind that she never bypasses anyone, not even the lowest and most sinful.

Novena Prayer Day 6

Blessed child Mary, destined to be the mother of God and our loving mother, by the heavenly graces you lavish upon us, mercifully listen to our supplications. In the needs which press upon me from every side and especially in my present tribulation, i place all my trust in you. Amen

Hail Mary…

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